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Etken Maddeler | Oksitosin |
Farmasötik Grup | Hormon |
Farmasötik Şekil | Enjektabl Çözelti |
Hayvanlar | Domuz | Koyun | Sığır |
Firma | Hipra |
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COMPOSİTİON: PER ML: Synthetic oxytocin 10 IU. INDİCATİONS: Sows: Parturition induction, uterine atony, uterine involution, agalactia (post-partum milk letdown) and vaginal discharge in chronic pyometritis. Ewes: Parturition induction, uterine atony, uterine involution, placenta retention and agalactia (post-partum milk letdown). Cows: Parturition induction, uterine atony, uterine involution (following caesarean section and to reduce haemorrhage), placenta retention, agalactia (post-partum milk letdown), vaginal discharge in chronic pyometritis and to facilitate milk letdown in the presence of mastitis. ADMİNİSTRATİON ROUTE: Intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous.
DOSAGE: FOR OBSTETRICAL USE: By intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous route: Sows and Ewes: 3 to 5 ml/animal (30 to 50 IU/animal). Cows: 7.5 to 10 ml/cow (75 to 100 IU/cow). TO FACILITATE MILK LETDOWN AND AGALACTIA: By intravenous route, preferably: Sows and Ewes: 0.5 to 2 ml/animal (5 to 20 IU/animal). Cows: 1 to 2 ml/cow (10 to 20 IU/cow). WİTHDRAWAL TİME: 0 days. SPECİAL PRECAUTİONS:
PACKAGİNG: Pack of 10 bottles of 10 ml. Pack of 12 bottles of 100 ml. |
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